Back In The Day

Way back in the day, when things were simple, and there was far less to bitch about.

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  • Cantankerous Panda

Oscars 2009

Posted by Cantankerous Panda on February 23, 2009

I have some serious issues with The Oscars. I often find myself wanting to throw things at the screen and shriek at the idiots for their decisions. However, I am addicted to watching. I hope that Hugh Jackman is fun and does some awesome musical numbers this year. I will miss Jon Stewart, though. OK, let’s talk Oscar picks:

Best movie: Slumdog Millionaire

Best Actor: Mickey Rourke

Best Actress: Meryl Streep

Best Supporting Actor: Heath Ledger

Best Supporting Actress: Marissa Tomei

Best Director: Danny Boyle

Those are my big top 6 choices. My “Wish List”. And also, Wall-E for best animated film, because that film is so cute I can barely stand it. I feel like I’m on the verge of exploding with pure joy when I am watching it. That film is DANGEROUS, I tell you.

I will be back with post-Oscar reactions (possibly even mid-Oscar reactions) and, as promised, my take on The Maltese Falcon.

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